Welcome to our website. We pray it will be a blessing to you. It is our desire to magnify the Lord Jesus Christ, faithfully proclaim His word, and evangelize those who are lost in sin. We are an old-fashioned Baptist Church that still believes God's way is the right way for every facet of life. If we can be of assistance to you regarding spiritual matters please feel free to contact us.
God bless you, Pastor Terry Norris
You are invited to our Campmeeting
June 9th-13th!
Monday-Friday will begin each night at 7 PM.
Thursday & Friday will begin at 10 AM and 7 PM
for our special Jubilee days.
Lunch & Supper Meals will be served on Thursday & Friday in our gymnasium.
For reservations, please call Pastor Terry Norris at 270-642-2863
Reservations are limited and cut off dates for camp meeting Reservations will be on June 6.
We are looking forward to this special time set aside each year for old fashion preaching and worship!