Home and Foreign Missions
Brother Matt Allen
PO Box 935
Waterfront, Konedobu 125
Papua New Guinea
Email matt@thattheymayknow.com
Brother Jerry mcdonald, jr.
Calvary baptist ministries
PO Box 834
Eufaula, OK 74432
Dr. Jerry McDonald, Jr., Pastor of Church and Director of Ministries
Phone 918-689-9403
Fax 918-689-4789
Brother John Sasser
The hope of israel
The John Sasser Family
Faith Missionary Baptist Church
brother phil hyland
Calvary Baptist Church
brother david edens
bringing the word of god to the nomads of the sahara desert
Field Address:
B.P. 42 Agadez
Republic of Niger
West Africa
fair haven home for men
a ministry of life baptist church, st. stephen SC
Pastor Alfred Willis (843) 567-4773
Director Jeff Krontz (843) 749-9622
Representative Phillip Willis (843) 567-2143
brother jeremiah cooley
missionary to liechtenstein
Sending church:
Harriman Baptist Tabernacle
PO Box 575
Harriman, TN 37748
Pastor James Jones, Jr.
brother mickey cofer
mongolia missions
Winchester Baptist Church
Winchester, OH