
Home and Foreign Missions

  • Brother Matt Allen

    PO Box 935

    Waterfront, Konedobu 125

    Papua New Guinea


    Email matt@thattheymayknow.com

  • Brother Jerry mcdonald, jr.

    Calvary baptist ministries

    PO Box 834

    Eufaula, OK 74432

    Dr. Jerry McDonald, Jr., Pastor of Church and Director of Ministries

    Phone 918-689-9403

    Fax 918-689-4789



  • Brother John Sasser

    The hope of israel

    The John Sasser Family

    Faith Missionary Baptist Church

  • brother phil hyland

    Calvary Baptist Church


  • brother david edens

    bringing the word of god to the nomads of the sahara desert

    Field Address:

    B.P. 42 Agadez

    Republic of Niger

    West Africa

  • fair haven home for men

    a ministry of life baptist church, st. stephen SC

    Pastor Alfred Willis (843) 567-4773

    Director Jeff Krontz (843) 749-9622

    Representative Phillip Willis (843) 567-2143


  • brother jeremiah cooley

    missionary to liechtenstein

    Sending church:

    Harriman Baptist Tabernacle

    PO Box 575

    Harriman, TN 37748

    Pastor James Jones, Jr.

  • brother mickey cofer

    mongolia missions

    Winchester Baptist Church

    Winchester, OH